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Selfie Scavenger Hunt


Grab your phone and your family to explore our resort!
Take a look through our clues and hints below to find some of our favorite spots at the Blockade Runner.
Find the location then snap a selfie to get a point!
Once you have collected all of the selfies then you can email them to 
You will be given the password to the Answer Reveal page once you have completed the hunt!


Post your favorite selfie to your Instagram story and tag us @BlockadeRunnerBeachResort to get an extra point to your final score!
(Make sure to put in your final email that you tagged us so we can add that point to your score)

Tree Decor

Clue #1

Clue #2

Clue #3

Clue #4

Clue #5

Clue #6

Clue #7

Clue #8

Clue #9

Clue #10